
latley {10}

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lately we've been eating a lot of chick-fil-a. what can i say? it's delicious! i shouldn't be defending myself… it's that good. lately it seems like spring is actually on it's way. a couple days it's been in the 70's -- yet i still wear a beanie. it's been a lot of phone calls. scheduling appointments. while simultaneously figuring out classes & making sure i get to work on time. in short, there's never a dull moment. i do love this life. lately kodi's been on a teething kick. been finding evidence in various places of the house. she also discovered how much she loves our bed. every since we changed our springy mattress to the glorious memory foam, she decided the bed would be hers. i roll my eyes. i also got my gym membership back. gone everyday so far. my body's trying to tell me to slow down after yesterday's body sculpting class. but i refuse. i gotta sculpt my non-curvy flat-ass body {don't even get me started on my chest. or lack there of. wish there was a class that improved said area. if you know what i mean).

but now i have to run by M's classroom because he forgot his t-shirt for track pictures. if i don't leave now i'll be late. #storyofmylife


what have you been up to lately?


  1. Love your short hair! I remember when Malcolm chewed up a pair of my favorite boots last year. Ha. Oh, puppies.

    1. thanks!!! yeah, kodi's never been one to eat shoes but that didn't stop her from destroying my boot :( yes, oh puppies indeed.

  2. Aww Your puppies are so cute. Mine hasn't chewed up any shoes yet... just her bed, it was just a big pile of fluff when I got her up in the morning!

    1. aww your's is still a wee little baby though. can never get mad at those :)

  3. oooh chick-fil-a! i miss it so much! and your hair looks so good! how are you liking the length?

    1. yes, chick-fil-a! i'll ship a sandwich to ya ;) i LOVE the length. it was hard to get used to at first. taking care of it is so much easier & it feels healthier. sometimes i don't feel as "pretty" as i did with my long hair. but it always grows back if i want it to.

  4. chick fil a and spring!!! it all looks amazing!

  5. Oh my goodness, what happened to your boot?!? lol :) Your hair look so good, I love the cut, the style and the shirt you're wearing makes it even cuter! And peanut butter toast crunch??!! I love cinnamon and peanut butter, I cannot imagine what a sugary yummy treat that would be to eat!


    1. kodi decided she wanted to eat it or something. crazy pup! & yes, run to the grocery store & pick up some of that yumminess. delicious!



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