
Snow Day!

Two days ago, Georgia experienced a phenomena -- snow. The last time it snowed like this was in 2010. 

Evidence ... 

This time we weren't snowed in for nine days (which I'm glad about) but we did get to frolic a bit in the yard with the girls. You can imagine how much Kodi loves the snow, being a Husky and all. She gets so playful sometime she's not sure what to do. Maggie on the other hand, couldn't hate the snow more. Poor thing. Her arthritis flares up and Little Thing shivers none-stop. But she loves her mama and papa so much she puts up with it in small doses. I don't have Ryze photographed because that dude wasn't interested in the snow, or cold weather one bit. If he had a middle finger I'm sure he'd be sharing it with Georgia's current weather situation right now.

My heart goes out to all those who were stranded or in an accident due to the weather. You were all in our thoughts and prayers. 

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Our new normal.

We moved in to our new home on the night of Halloween. With boxes in every room, chaos in the house, nothing to munch on in the pantry -- that should have been a warning sign that the month to come was going to be tough. And it was. Losing a loved one is hard. And it never seems fair. Even with all the support and love being poured out, no amount of it makes it better. But somehow with time things get better. We learn to laugh again. We're still sad. Very sad. But there's a time when you have to carry on. Life will never go back to normal. So you make a new normal.

Last December, Mitch lost his best friend. He lost his dad.

One minute he's in the hospital for a fall. Expected to be home healthy in a couple days. Next he's moved to ICU. Even there doctors were optimistic. They believed he had brain damage but hopeful that when he was stable he'd recover. He had days where he walked. Had conversations with us all. Even brushed his teeth without help. But then he started to decline. Quickly. That's when the really hard decisions had to be made.
I think back on everything and can't figure out how it happened. It's like one second we're racing to the E.R. due to a minor fall with doctors telling us he'll be okay in a couple days. Next we're weeping in hallways embracing others asking God how He could let this happen. Blaming Him and wondering why us. Didn't He know our faith didn't need to be tested? We're all faithful servants of His so why us? The only answer I ever get is 'It was just his time.' And honestly, that's not good enough for me.

Death sucks. It really sucks. I hated seeing Mitch and his mom and sister have to sit down with the doctors to figure out what they wanted, but most importantly, what Steve would have wanted. Loved ones shouldn't have to make those decisions. But fortunately they were all so loving about the whole thing that they only thought of their dad and husband, and what he would have wanted the most. They never made it about themselves and focused on making him comfortable.
The holidays were rough without him. You could see the sadness in everyone's eyes. No matter how many gifts we put under the tree it still felt incomplete. As we prepared for the new year, we struggled to believe that 2014 we'd be one less Brotherton. That no matter what we looked forward to in the coming year, he wouldn't be there with us. But we're confident that 2014 is going to be a special year for us. We revamped our bucket lists, made some exciting resolutions, even promised each other to laugh more and to be brave enough to try new things. Some say death can make you stronger, but I believe that death brings out your hidden strengths. In hard times you prove yourself and discover a whole new side to life.

We love you Steve. 
And miss you so very much.
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In class this week

We're shooting with a 4x5 film camera. At first I wasn't too thrilled about it. I mean, I thought we were finished with film? Now we have to go back to it? Don't get me wrong, film was fun. It really makes you slow down and appreciate the art of photography. But developing is a pain in my you-know-what. If I never have to see another dark room it will be too soon. But once I got my hands on this 4x5 camera, it was love. I felt like a pro with my head under the dark cloth and looking at my subject as it appeared upside down on the glass. For a lack of better word -- it was COOL! 

Tomorrow we begin shooting our first assignment with the 4x5. Something about a chair and dressing it up... Either way though, it's going to be neat. I'll try to remember to share the results. 

Wish me luck!

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A little photo shoot

Earlier last Fall, I had the pleasure of photographing my two younger sisters. I just needed the pictures for a class assignment, so it was all basically for fun. Naturally they were great sports about it. I mean, what middle school girls don't love having their pictures taken? Not only did they make it fun, they made it super easy. They were such naturals and handled the poses like it was second nature to them. 
This was my very first shoot with the subject being people. I enjoyed it so much that I want to learn everything there is to learn about Portraiture photography. I even did family shoot a few weeks later. And have more scheduled in the coming months! Photography is such a neat skill because there's always something to be learned. Even after completing photography school I hope to continue to grow in my skills.

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New Look

You've probably noticed  a few  some drastic changes around here. That's because I was in great need of a face-lift... for a while. So it all began in August. I looked around for a looong time. I read lots of testimonials and checked out all the different packages and prices that were being offered. As soon as a came across Kaylie's blog I knew she was the one. She fit my style and also my price range. I love my blog and all, but let's get real for a sec, I don't blog enough to spend tons of money on a design. So with that begin said, she fit my requirements perfectly and I couldn't be happier. There's still a few things we're she is working on (I just sit back and watch her do her magic). So if you're in the market for a face-lift yourself, please don't hesitate for contact Kaylie. She was beyond patient with me and has met everyone of my requests :)
Kaylie Marie
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The Brotherton's

Hello peeps!
For those who are new around here I wanted to introduce ourselves to you.
We're really big into things like food. Specifically Sonic milkshakes. Fast food is cool too. I'm good to eat anything and like to try new things. Mitch on the other hand hates most food. The boy doesn't even like mac n' cheese!

We're also obsessed with our pups. Kodi is a free spirit. She loves her daddy and prefers running free. Maggie is definitely the happiest of the group. She never stops wagging her tail and offers kisses to anyone who asks. Which reminds me! We have a new addition to our teeny family! 

We also like things like taking way too many selfies together. I'm always on Instagram and love documenting our lives together. It's mah thang. 

We live in the states. Georgia, specifically. He's a teacher. I'm a photography student. 
We love to travel. Try new things. But you'll often find us staying in watching mindless movies.

Don't be shy and send me an email introducing yourself. I'd love to meet ya!



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