
School update.

Remember when I shared with you all about shooting with a 4x5 camera? Remember how I told you I'd share the results of my pictures with you?

Well here they are!
For the assignment we were required to dress up a chair and shoot the subject only twice. Once with a shallow depth of field. The second with a deep depth of field. Then we had to develop them in the dark room (definitely the WORST part). Then they were ready to be scanned into this nifty scanner.
Please ignore the super old mac computer. We were told that the scanner is actually a really nice scanner, but the computer and software are poop. FYI. 

Anyhow, once that's all completed then the last step was to edit the images. Which honestly was the hardest part. There was so much dust and an embarrassing amount of scratches all over both images. It took at least three hours of tedious retouching before my images were complete. Phew. 

Well that's that.
Our next 4x5 camera assignment we will be shooting items that represent a character, any character (I'm thinking Harry Potter :]) on a table. Maybe this time I'll be more careful to not have dust and scratches all over my imaged.... probably not.

Hope all my Georgian's are staying warm in this ice storm.
Peace out! 

 photo lauriesig2_zps9ddb0c9f.jpg

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure you posted a picture of a 4x5 camera but I just had to google it again. That camera is so old! or is it? I don't know.

    What a crazy assignment but hopefully you learned something from it =) It's fun to see your pictures.



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